Cork International Film Festival
Play a role in supporting Ireland’s first and largest film festival
Your donation, no matter what the size, makes a huge difference.
Cork International Film Festival is Ireland’s first and largest film festival, looking ahead to its 69th edition in 2024. The Festival is a registered charity, operating on a non-profit basis.
Your support enables us to harness the power of cinema to inspire creativity, challenge convention and expand horizons. It lets our projectors shine a light on urgent topics like climate change, diversity, and societal transformation, and help educate, inform, and persuade by telling universal stories we can all relate to. With your help we will continue to discover film and reimagine the world.

Our ambition is limitless, but our resources are not
Your donations help us to:
- Increase the scope of our outreach programmes with schools and mental health work
- Support workshops and skills training for filmmakers and industry professionals
- Deliver filmmaking projects for children and young people
- Empower marginalised voices through public screenings and outreach programmes
- Commission local artists to create new pieces for the public to enjoy
- Preserve our local and national film heritage in our digital archive
- Expand our programme of films to include new and exciting strands
If you decide to support us with a donation of €250 or more during any given year, you can also claim a refund of tax paid on that donation both as an individual, and as a company who can claim the tax deduction as a trading expense. You can find more information on the government’s Charitable Donation Scheme here.
Thank you for your support
If you would like to speak to us about a larger donation, closer involvement, legacy giving or a partnership, please contact Deirdre O’Reilly, Head of Marketing & Communications at who will be happy to help.
Cork International Film Festival is committed to good Governance. The organisation actively complies with the Charities Regulator Governance Code, has formally adopted the Statement of Guiding Principles on Fundraising and is committed to complying fully with all of its principles and obligations.